Lab. and PEACE

Branding & Marketing - Your Creative Partner



We Create Excitements and Produce Thrills!




We Create Excitements

Lab. and PEACE is a creative professional specializing in various media, including graphics, web, video, and more. Leveraging a range of mediums, we propose powerful and innovative solutions, creating excitement for you.



We Produce Thrills

Lab. and PEACE is a branding specialist. Tailoring promotions to meet your needs, we plan and devise various campaigns. Committed to realizing your dreams, we produce thrilling success experiences.


Think Logically


Act Creativelly


CI/VI Design

CI/VI helps companies maintain a consistent image, enhance recognition, and reinforce trust among customers and stakeholders. We assist in designing captivating brand images, reflecting clients’ philosophies and visions, across various business tools, including logo marks and more.

DTP Design


Design is communication. Combining design and a unique logical approach, we effectively and beautifully express clients’ messages in various print materials such as brochures, advertisements, and booklets. We strive for persuasiveness, reliability, and quality, surpassing client expectations with designs that go beyond.

Web Design

Website is like your online business card, entrance, and headquarters on the internet. We faithfully replicate your brand in the web, providing a simple and user-friendly design that ensures users navigate effortlessly.

Video Production


As a means of expression, we also create videos. Merging creativity with technical expertise, we deliver captivating visual stories that harness the power of non-verbal communication. From conceptualization to shooting and final editing, entrust us with the entire process, and we will produce memorable videos that leave a lasting impact.


To enhance client’s brand strength, cultivate customer fandom, or express gratitude to loyal customers, there may be occasions where events, workshops, seminars, etc., are organized. In such instances, our creative expertise can also be of valuable assistance for you.

Bilingual Support


Not only can we provide English translations for your materials, but we also have Japanese designers proficient in English, capable of handling all aspects of business such as meetings and email correspondence in English. We cater to bilingual needs, especially for foreign clients dealing with Japanese companies, engaging in business with international partners, or operating in Japan with a focus on foreign clients.




Laboratory of "Love & Peace"

Lab and PEACE means the Laboratory of “Love & PEACE.” Beyond emphasizing beauty and functionality, we consider sustainability, infusing our work with a sense of care for the future. We propose the concept of “4-Directional Good” integrating not only benefit or ourselves but also benefit for clients and users, benefit for society,  and benefit for the Earth. We strive to harmonize with nature, consider the impact on society and future generations. Through design work, we aim to explore and express love and peace, contributing to the creation of a better future.



Design Changes the World

We believe in the power of art and design. They have the potential to convey a message more powerfully than a swing of a sword. With our creative pens (or mouses!), we sketch the future and face challenges with innovative ideas. People are not moved by logic alone; it is emotion that stirs the human heart. The magic of design lies in eliciting invisible emotions, fostering empathy, prompting action, and at times, possessing the power to move society itself. It is a powerful tool. We would like to utilize this power to make the world better place.



Business is Love

At the core of our business, we believe in the presence of love – a desire to make someone happy and contribute to the betterment of the world. We consider empathy and understanding towards our clients and their customers crucial in the creative process, and as a result, the final outcomes carry a passionate essence. We are like a cupid; we deliver your message to your customers and make sure it moves them.



Your Creative Partner

We are not just mere creators. As expressive companions, we actively engage in your creative journey. Our mission is to comprehend the client’s vision and story, elevate it through design, and lead the business to success. Through innovative and impressive designs, we aim to build a partnership with you, walking side by side. As a team, we earnestly face the realization of your vision. Let’s create wonderful future together.



八木沢 淳



Parsons School of Design(New York City) 卒業。


2015年 思想家・環境活動家サティシュ・クマール氏の書籍に触発され、共生・持続可能な社会づくりを志す。同氏が運営する「シューマッハーカレッジ(英国)」のショートプログラムに参加。帰国後すぐに発明家藤村靖之氏「非電化工房」が主宰するサステナブルビジネス塾に参加。

2016 – 2019年 NGOの草分け的存在である「学校法人アジア学院」にて、ファンドレイザー、支援者サポート、広報・PR、インハウスデザイナーを兼任。キャラバン、スタディツアー、持続可能な開発に関する日本人向け授業など、学院内外での教育プログラムの企画運営や各種広報ツールの制作など幅広い業務を担当。発展途上国支援として同団体が取り入れているサーバントリーダーシップや、有機農業と自給自足を土台とする平和的コミュニティづくりの思想から大きな影響を受けている。

2021年 クリエイティブ&マーケティングのコンサルティングファーム「Lab. and PEACE(ラボ&ピース)」スタート。本業の傍で、特別講師として幼稚園でのアートワークショップも実施中。

Jun Yagisawa

Multimedia Creator / Creative Director


Born in Utsunomiya, Tochigi, Japan.
Graduated from Parsons School of Design in New York City
with a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree (BFA) in Painting.

Worked under Hiroki Sakamoto at the design firm “Graphicman” in Utsunomiya. Subsequently, took on the role of an in-house designer, as well as handling public relations and marketing, at a German company in Tochigi. Gained experiences in various fields such as advertising, promotions, and public relations.

In 2015, deeply inspired by the book of philosopher and environmental activist Satish Kumar, became motivated to contribute to the creation of a symbiotic and sustainable society. Participated in a short program at “Schumacher College” in the UK, run by Mr. Kumar. Immediately upon returning to Japan, joined the Sustainable Business School led by inventor Yasuyuki Fujimura at the “Non-Electrification Atelier” in Nasu.

From 2016 to 2019, worked at the pioneering NGO “Asian Rural Institute”, handling in fundraising, supporter support, and public relations. Also, took charge of planning and managing educational programs both within and outside the school, including caravans, study tours, workshops and seminars for Japanese related to sustainable development. Inspired and Absorbed much from the organization’s support for developing countries, including their educational concepts and philosophy such as servant leadership, a peaceful community life based on organic farming and self-sufficiency.

In 2021, started the creative and marketing consulting firm “Lab. and PEACE.” Alongside the main profession, currently conducting art workshops as a special lecturer at a local kindergarten.

Drop us a line!

    Lab. and PEACE(ラボ&ピース)

    〒321-0912 栃木県宇都宮市石井町

    © 2024 Lab. and PEACE - All rights reserved.
